Women’s Winter Solstice Retreat

Recharge your life and honour the woman that you are. 

JUNE 21-23rd 2024



OCT 18-20th, 2024



People may call what happens at midlife ‘a crisis’ but it’s not. It’s an unravelling – a time when you need a desperate pull to live the life you want to live, not the one you’re supposed to.
— Brene Brown

I lost my mother, then I lost my brother. I was working and studying full-time.  

To say turning 50 changed my life is an understatement.

I was living my worst nightmare and the increasing pain in my body and heart would wake me up with a dreaded pit of despair in my gut. I barely slept. I'd suffered much through my life already, how could the life-climb be getting steeper?

With a shift in perspective, embracing an east Asian and Chinese medicine lens on menopause provided me with an incredible understanding. Without force, making dietary and movement shifts whilst recognising the 'strength of change' versus 'something is wrong with me' narrative, the internal war calmed down and so did the pain.

Building upon this positive life changing experience and the reality that I am not alone, I am moved to assist women to find their path to a fabulous life fifty forward. 

Self-compassion and our changing self is a sharing of knowledge that address's menopause and the cyclic, inevitable and eternal rhythms of womanhood.

These retreats are a compassionate supportive space to understand the changes occurring within.

It's a space and a place to hit reset, reminding us of our true strengths and deep beauty.

Are you ready:

- for a new perspective toward yourself?

- for a genuine shift in your process of growth and maturity?

- to share more of your authentic self with the world?


  • A compassionate inquiry

    Mid-life puts our life under the microscope, it is a significant period of transformation that is rarely acknowledged.

    It is never too late to learn and experience shifts within ourselves and mid-life suggests we have several more decades to go. Contemporary knowledge is providing quality information to draw upon since our mother’s unspoken experience of menopause.

    Our retreat weekend is designed around compassionate inquiry with the opportunity to focus into areas of our life we wish to be different.

    Group sessions will tune into;

    Fluctuating hormones during menopause and perimenopause.

    How menopause affects our health and what we can do about it.

    Why menopause affects our mood/psychological state and how we can navigate it.

    Tools to shift our perspective to a holistic view to inform our choices going forward.

    A world beyond pain and discomfort is available to us.

  • Food for your soul

    Isabel Ometto, our onsite chef and myself have designed a stunning menu:

    All meals, drinks and snacks in accord with the five phases principle that will harness the Winter season and focus on specific nutritional support for our changing hormones.

    Individual dietary requirements will be met.

    Organic and locally sourced produce used wherever possible.

    A take home gift pack will include a nutritional guide navigating specific digestive issues.

  • Daily Qigong practice

    Together we will practice:

    we begin and end each day with a respectful inquiry and exploration of qigong to strengthen our connection to our body.

    We will meet ourselves where we are at - a revolutionary act, yes.

    The power of meeting ourselves exactly where we are cannot be underestimated and is the step towards positive change that makes 'better things' possible.

    Read more about qigong here.

  • Restful sleep

    A deeply considered non toxic, low noise and visual pollution environment, Summer House Retreats exemplifies quality and comfort.

    Luxury bed linen, all natural fibres, fabrics and furnishings, award winning spa products and essential oils, ear plugs and eye masks in each bedroom.

  • Tea for life

    The art of tea has many layers.

    We will drink tea and tour the traditions of tea as a ritual and ceremony throughout the day.

    We will explore several types of Chinese tea for the winter months which help to warm the kidneys and the lungs.

    We will investigate common herbal teas that may be growing nearby or already in your cupboards.

  • Foreshore walks

    Did you know that the mineral content of salt is almost identical to that of our blood?

    Sea salt and the surrounding air is highly cleansing and recharging.

    We will make the most of the negative ions of the Great Southern Ocean to cleanse and recharge our system with fresh and invigorating walks.

    Weather permitting, we will take silent foreshore walks, paying consideration to the power of the winter solstice as it embodies a moment of transition - a shift from darkness to light.

Daily schedule

(subject to change)

7am Wake with a tea ceremony

8-9 Qigong practice & meditation

9.15-10 Breakfast

10 – 11 Time to rest

11-12noon A compassionate inquiry process

12.30-1.30 Lunch

2-3 Silent walk along the ocean (weather permitting)

3-4 Food & hormones from an eastern perspective

4-5 Time to rest

5-6 Early dinner

6-7 Acupressure & Shiatsu to aid digestion

7-8 Qigong and meditation for quality sleep

8 Break for the day

Self-compassion retreat investment

June 21-23rd 2024 

Full > $1350

*Early bird* > $1250

(*Early Bird* until end of April)

Deposit > $500

(Full payment before June 6th)


TIME: Arrive from 4pm on Friday 21st. Depart at 5pm on Sunday 23rd. 

Location Jan Jun, Torquay. Victoria.

*Bookings close June 1st, unless sold out prior.

Leave your deposit, and you will receive an invoice for any remaining balance. 

Your deposit is non refundable. It is transferable to another retreat, up to 3 weeks prior to the original retreat dates booked.

Paying a deposit holds your place for the Retreat and requires full payment by June 6th.

Once you have paid your deposit we will be in touch to confirm your accommodation.

Payment plans are available.

Please contact to make arrangements.

Frequently asked questions

  • A shawl &/or light blanket.

    Winter jacket.

    Comfortable walking shoes.

    A curious and open mind.

  • Warm & comfortable clothes.

    Including sleep ware.

    Walking shoes.

    Easy on/off footwear.

    Warm socks.

  • Shower towels & bedding.

    All meals including snacks and drinks.

    Notebooks and pens.

  • Best way to travel is by car.

    If you need a car share please get in touch and we can organise for you.

  • Then you will be be very welcome. This retreat I limited to a small amount of women in order to meet each person’s needs. You do not need to be experienced, only to have an open mind and an open heart.

  • There is plenty of room here or you. The intention of the retreat is to quieten down and reduce the amut of distractions while we are her. You will be in good company.

  • Then this is a perfect time and place for you. We are opening spaces here for healing, wherever you are in our life. I will be in touch with each person before they book to make sure it is a safe space or us all.

  • This would be a wonderful idea. When you share experience with friends you have a common language for when you are in your life. You can support each other further, yes definitely bring a friend!